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Luca D’Urbino

Luca Durbino

Luca D’Urbino is a freelance illustrator famous for collaborating with numerous brands and editors from around the globe, including The New York Times and Italian Newspaper, Il Sole 24 Ore. From his studio in Milano, Italy, he creates images that convey complex concepts with a synthetic and direct style, leading him to obtain awards including Society of Illustrators New York and Communication Arts Award Excellence. Since 2016, Luca has been a regular illustrator for The Economist, successfully gaining front page illustration ownership on a great deal of occasions. Prior to becoming a freelancer, Luca worked as a loyal soldier at Bonsai Ninja Studio , crafting a variety of content with themes from people to the environment. Luca holds a Bachelor’s Degree from Politecnico di Milano in Industrial Design and two Masters, one in Editorial Illustration from MiMaster Oppi, and the other in Motion Design from c.f.p Bauer.